Friday, September 17, 2010

"A Personal Address" TaijiAdept Eric Randolph

There is not much to say about this aspect of understanding. Once we have started a dialogue together and we can assess where you are in your studies of this knowledge, then we will give more. As for now a series of meditation and taiji videos will ensue and we hope you will enjoy them and learn from them visually if there are any questions please do not hesitate to email.

This adept has been studying TaijiQuan for over 20 yrs. we have studied not only its martial branches but also its religious branches as well as the historical branches of this skill and within this constant study of this particular skill, the merging of the adept and the source was found. This was my personal way of getting there. It is not the only way. there are a multitude of ways to find the source within, some less treacherous than others. this path through TaijiQuan you will find is hard but not treacherous as long as your intent is pure and for the sake of truly understanding and merging with the source. what I also can say is that this way does work and is very safe. You will only find yourself through this aspect of understanding. You will also find a very heavy responsibility towards your planet and sentient family. This path, this way is the way of the warrior who is set against fear and its myriad of slave inducing realities. The warrior who is searching for a way to end suffering for everyone starting within. This way is very hard and is not for everyone at this point and time but it was manifested by all of us.

                   Those who have true power  radiate Gentleness, Humility and Compassion Being centered and yielding gives birth to gentleness. ( killing the impulse and aspect of timidness, insecurity, and the want to conquer for lack of these) I am still within my stance and therefore I have no need to be violent or to display my power, which gives birth to being rooted and being rooted gives birth to humility (The purpose of the TaijiQuan form) To know thyself is good and this gives birth to being sticky. I know myself and am powerful yet humble within and without, I attract and attach to others so that they may know my intent and heart and by this aspect they obtain my power. This gives birth to me knowing them and gives birth to compassion. (The true purpose of Sensing Hands).

TaijiAdept Eric Randolph ... CEO of The Tao Applied

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